Why Video Marketing?
Consumer behavior is one thing marketer cannot take for granted. Its constantly shifting over the time following the current trends, technology and behaviors. Thus, to understand this, marketers today are more focus towards the buyer/customers rather than the seller which explained by the Inbound Marketing Theory. The beauty of Inbound is the creative content of […]
Mengenal Apa itu Service Marketing
Service Marketing merupakan suatu proses penciptaan dan penyampaian barang dan jasa yang diinginkan pelanggan, yang meliputi kegiatan yang berkaitan dengan menarik dan mempertahankan pelanggan, guna untuk memenuhi keinginan dan kebutuhan organisasi/perusahaan. Bisa juga service marketing adalah suatu tahap dimana konsumen telah membeli produk atau jasa dalam satu paket lain seperti layanan sebelum dan sesudah penjualan. […]
5 Reasons Why You Should Run E-mail Marketing!
There are lots of tricks or tips about Digital Marketing. As we know we are living in the digital age where people can easily reach contents as well as they wish. It seems like we talk about the behavior people. Surprisingly, I read some interesting marketing strategy about e-mail marketing. At the beginning I’d like […]
Membangun Brand Melalui Internet Marketing
Sebelum kita membahas bagaimana membangun brand melalui internet marketing, tentunya kita harus paham dulu apa itu brand dan apa itu internet marketing. Menurut wikipedia brand itu diartikan sebagai berikut ini : “A brand is a name, term, design, symbol, or other feature that distinguishes an organization or product from its rivals in the eyes of […]